Monday, August 22, 2011

Mount Garfield in the Book Cliff Range

The base of Mount Garfield, Sunday, 7/24/11.
Cruising by at 70mph on US 70 approaching Grand Junction, I see an interesting formation, hit the window button and grab a shot through the open window. While shot in the early afternoon, seeing this directly face the west, I knew at an instant that this was a golden hour shot before sunset. This kind of thought easily came to mind as Mt Garfield quickly moved out of frame and perspective. I never looked at the top, merely focusing on the shapes of the base which appeared to me as a 3-D image in pen and ink. All of this on and off in a matter of seconds.

Anyhoo, Mount Garfield is part of the Book Cliff Mountain and rises to somewhere over 6000'. It looks like a lot of mining has also been done to the Book Cliff range. This area deserves further investigation for photo possibilities - there's even a Book Cliff mtb trail.

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